(WebGL might not work)

***** FOREWORD *****

Last night I found myself standing before a dusky mirror. I didn’t see any reflection, nor was there any shadow, I don’t recall. But in the deepening gloom between the fractured pieces of the glass, where light soaked in without leaving any trace, I knew it. First it was the dreams, then it was the visions, now it is in front of me. It is rattling in our soul, all of us. We ought to do something, we ought to do it now. He is awakening. 

As the high priest, I must bring more people to Huntshire, our valley town. Our lord needs to regain his power, we shall appease his hunger with the proper sacrifice every season. 

***** INSTRUCTION ***** 

Your job as the High Priest is to pair people together so they will study / preach / surveil each other. 

Match the cards by dragging one to another, so their stats become closer. End the current turn (each turn is one month) by clicking the THING at the bottom right corner. At the end of each season (three months), you need to sacrifice a card to your Lord that meets your Lord’s requirement. You also need to resolve people’s conflict (that may change the stats), resolve your own issues, and decide what your Lord’s requirement for the next sacrifice season. 


Huntshire.zip 32 MB
Huntshire_Mac.app.zip 32 MB

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